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Getting Rid of the Queen Ant: A Guide to Eliminating Ant Infestations



Ants are a common and major issue in every house, especially in kitchens where colonies of ants invade their home only for shelter and food. They are highly attracted to the food, especially the sweet meals, so always clean your places, especially kitchens.

Additionally, try to find out where they come from, find holes and cracks and block them after spraying an ant-killing solution on them. But it is not sufficient.

In the colonies of ants, the Ant Queen, who lays eggs that hatch into new workers, is the most significant member of ant colonies.

So by killing their Queen, you can get rid of regular ants. If the Queen Ant is not removed, they produce more eggs and ants, making it challenging to eliminate the infestation.

Do you know how long does ant queen live? They can live more than the worker ants for about 15 years. There are also the risks of an uncontrolled ant infestation, including property damage and health hazards.

Some species of ants can damage your home’s wood, wires, and other valuable material, leading to expensive repair. Ants are a serious problem, and they are unhygienic.

They spread germs which can cause illness. Ants can also sting, which can lead to allergic reactions. It can create discomfort in your home. So it is crucial to get rid of them.

Identifying the Queen Ant:

Queen Ants have distinct physical characteristics from regular ants. They have different body shapes. They are large, and if you are thinking that a queen ant has wings, so yes, they have large wings and are more developed than regular ants.

The color of Queen ants is lighter or darker than regular ants. They are less active than other ants and stay hidden in their nest, so block their holes where they present after spraying an ant-killing solution on them.

Here is the most commonly asked question: can ants survive without a queen? No, because Queen is the most significant in the colony because of the primary role of lying eggs. Suppose you want to get rid of their entire colony.

You have to find and kill their Queen for a permanent solution. So by killing their Queen, you can get rid of regular ants. If the Queen Ant is not removed, they produce more eggs and ants, making it challenging to eliminate the infestation.

Signs of an Ant Infestation:


One of the common signs of ant infestation is a line of ants. They follow the line to and from their colony to get food. These lines are visible on walls or the floor. Other species of ants, like the Queen Carpenter ant, can damage the woods, and when you tap on wood and hear a hollow sound, it is a sign of an ant infestation.

Rustling noise in walls and the presence of dead ants is also a sign of ant infestation. By identifying such signs, you can control the infestation from spreading and allow you to take action. Ant colonies spread rapidly. When you discover such signs, you can prevent them from spreading, and it can minimize property damage, Health issues and preserve comfort in your home.


How to Kill the Queen Ant:

Bait traps, natural remedies, and insecticides are the most effective method for killing the Queen and. Below; I am giving a step-by-step guide about how to use these methods and their pros and cons.

Bait Trap:

1- Identify those areas where ants are most active.

2- Choose the right effective bait for killing the queen ant.

3- Now place the bait trap where they are most active

4- It might take some time to work. Keep an eye on bait traps. If they are empty, replace them with new ones.


  • It is very effective.
  • It is less toxic than other methods.
  • It is easy to set up.


  • It may take some time to work.
  • The success of bait traps depends upon the environmental condition and on some specific species.



1- Try to find the nest of an ant

2- Choose the right insecticides that are safe for indoor use.

3- Apply the insecticides directly on the ants.

4- Do not use it in extensive quantity because it may cause health risks.

5- Keep the children and pets away from treated areas for safety.


  • It provides quick results.
  • It comes in various shapes, such as in spray and powder form.
  • It can target another pest as well.


  • It is harmful to pets and children because it is toxic.
  • It can kill other beneficial insects, disrupting the ecosystem.


Ants can kill their Queen; it might be shocking for you, and you may be thinking why do ants kill their Queen? They kill their colony because of environmental issues or if it is overcrowded.


Natural Remedies:

1- Spray the mixture of lemon juice and water on their holes. It is an effective method for its acidic smell.

2- Mix the few drops of Peppermint Oil with water and spray it directly on the ants.

3- Ants do not like the scent of vinegar. Wipe the surfaces with vinegar or on those places where they are most active.

4- You can also sprinkle some cinnamon powder to control the ants and their Queen.


  • They are non-toxic.
  • They are safe for indoor use.
  • These natural remedies have repellent properties.


  • They are slow at work.
  • You have to apply again to maintain their effectiveness.


Preventing Ant Infestations:

Here are some practical ant infestations you should take to prevent ant infestation.

  • Seal all the entry points of ants and those holes in windows, doors, and walls. You can also spray an ant-killing solution on them and seal the holes.
  • Ants are highly attracted to food and sugary meals. Keep the food in air-tight boxes,  especially sweet items.
  • Clean your home regularly, especially the corners and hidden areas.
  • Always use sealed trash outdoors and indoors, and regularly empty and clean the dustbin.
  • Use natural remedies and ant-killing products for ant infestations.


The Queen of the ants is the main problem because pregnant queen ants lay eggs and produce more colonies of ants. You can control the colonies of ants by finding and killing their Queen. They are physically different from other regular ants. They are larger, and they have larger wings than regular ants.

The color of the Queen is also slightly different from other ants. As you know, what happens if you kill an ant queen? Removing the Queen stops the colony’s growth and reproduction, which has long-lasting effects.

Bait traps, natural remedies, and insecticides are the most effective for killing the queen ant. These methods are easy to use and can prevent ants for a long time.

Here are some practical ant infestation measures to avoid ant infestations. Seal all their entry points, keep your home clean, keep the sugary items in air-tight boxes, and also you sealed dustbins for outdoors and for indoors.



Why is it important to target the queen ant?

Queen is the most significant ant in the colony because she can lay eggs. If you eliminate the regular or worker ants, the colony can still recover because of the presence of the Queen. Removing the queen ant is the most effective solution to eliminate the ant colonies. You can identify her by the Queen ant size.


Can I kill the queen ant without killing the rest of the colony?

You know what happens if you kill an ant queen, you can easily control the other regular ants. But it is difficult to kill the queen ant without killing the rest of the colony. Queens are mostly present in holes and their entry points. You can identify by their physical appearance because they are larger than regular ants and have large wings compared to other ants. You can kill them using bait traps, natural remedies, and Insecticides.


Can ants cause property damage?

Certain species of ants, like Queen Carpenter ants, can damage the wood when you tap on woods, and if you hear a hollow sound, it is a sign of an ant infestation. Ants like odorous house ants can damage the electric wires, leading to expensive repair. Some ants can also damage the plants, which is not good. They are unhygienic, and crawling on the foods can cause illness.


Are there any natural remedies for killing queen ants?

You can eliminate the colonies of ants by preparing natural remedies at home with basic ingredients. Lemon water solution has an acidic smell, and it can eliminate the ants. You can also mix the Peppermint Oil in water and directly spray the ants. Wipe the surfaces with vinegar or on those places where they are most active. You can also sprinkle some cinnamon powder to control the ants and their Queen.


How can I prevent ants from entering my home or yard?

Check your house for gaps, cracks, and openings in the walls, foundation, doors, and windows, then seal all these entry points. Keep your home clean and properly store the sugary meals in air-tight boxes. Fix any pipe that leaks because it can attract the ants. Trim the plants and trees away from the exterior of your home.