Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Roaches - Serialpestkiller

Home Remedies to get rid of Roaches

Home remedies to get rid of cockroaches

Home Remedies to get rid of Roaches

 Roaches become a serious problem for many homeowners because of their unhygienic lifestyle and filthy nature. Their ability to survive in different conditions makes it difficult for them to be eliminated permanently.


Understanding their behavior, nature, and habitat is necessary for the successful elimination of these nuisance species. A cockroach problem is not a normal problem; these speedy pests are hard to catch, multiply quickly, and spread diseases, so it is necessary to get rid of them.

Cockroaches belong to a diverse and resilient insect group, which exhibits distinct features across their over 4000 species throughout the world. All species look different from each other, but there are some tell-tale indicators common.


Cockroaches have flat, shiny wings and oval-shaped bodies complemented by long antennae and spines on their legs. They are found in different colors ranging from tan and brown to reddish brown, depending upon the species.

Roach droppings can also help in identification: small cockroaches and nymphs drop black flakes, while large cockroaches produce dark cylinders like dropping.

Roaches are found throughout the U.S., with a variety of American, German, and Brown-Banded Species appearing in coastal areas. However, Asian and smokey brown cockroaches thrive in the humid and hot states of the U.S.


These species prefer dark spaces, wet areas, and warm environments, as they need food and water to survive. Their most common hangouts are the washroom and kitchen, where these conditions are often fulfilled.

Exterminating roaches naturally using home ingredients is an immediate step towards eliminating them at home. Several ingredients play a key role in eliminating roaches at home, which are discussed in this blog.

Main signs include droppings or egg cases in corners, drawers, beside the bed, in the freezer, furniture, and cabinet, foul odors, shed skin, marks of poop, and damage to leather or cardboard.

Moreover, when you see roaches scurrying for cover when you switch on a light, this condition is a clear indicator of the presence of roaches because roaches stay away from lights and prefer dark.


Analyzing these indicators and signs, anyone can detect and address a cockroach problem easily and successfully maintain a clean and healthy environment in their home.

Home Remedies to get rid of roaches


Boric Acid

Boric acid to kill roaches

Boric acid is the most effective home remedy for getting rid of roaches. It is an irritant that can quickly eliminate roaches from your home and kill multiple generations of roaches effectively.

Just sprinkle it out or make a thin layer of it. Roaches will crawl and be absorbed, eventually dying. The wet solution is not as effective as powder. You can also make a dough.

Pro tips: Mix sugar, water, and boric in equal ratios and then make a dough. Roll that dough into small shapes like circles or cylindrical shapes of your own choice and place them where the infestation of roaches occurs.

Roaches come to eat and die after eating when they head back to their homes. One by one, all roaches will eat dough.


Baking Soda

Baking Soda to kill roaches

Baking Soda is also an effective ingredient for homeowners. It is one of the most effective ways to kill cockroaches. Baking soda itself is not appealing to roaches as it is almost tasteless. The cockroach is not attracted to it, so it is used in combination with other attractants.

Pro Tips: Ordinary table sugar is mostly used with it. Mix equal parts and place in a trap where roach infestation is likely to be found. Onion is also used with baking soda. Sprinkle onion slices to attract and encourage roaches to it.

Baking Soda produces gasses in the roach’s stomach, which becomes the reason for death.



use of neem to get rid of cockroaches

Neem is also used as a natural remedy for many purposes because of its antiseptic, antiallergic, antibiotic, and repellent qualities. It has also been used for roach elimination since ancient times.


Neem powder and oil are used for this purpose because of a potent active ingredient named Azadirachtin, which can help repel and kill roaches.Neem powder can be used in different ways, depending on your choice. 

Pro Tips

You can use it in powder form or make a solution. Powder can be sprinkled on the infested area, while a solution can be sprayed where roaches hide. If you use oil, mix oil with a small amount of water and pour it into the infested places.

Bay Leaves

use of Bay leaves to get rid of cockroaches

Bay leaves are not a cockroach killer but a great repellent when used. When used, roaches are drawn away and leave houses. Bay leaves contain eucalyptol and linalool, which are toxic to roaches in high concentrations, so roaches avoid them.

Pro Tips

If you want to use bay leaves, simply crush them and sprinkle them in cupboards, drawers, beside the beds, etc. You can also make a solution of leaves and boil them with water to spray areas where roaches are present.

Detergent and Fabric Softener

Roaches eat soap, so this proves that they don’t kill by eating soap. However, if you add a large amount of soapy water or sink them in it, they will start to suffocate due to difficulty breathing, which will destroy their lives.


Fabric softener is another alternative repellent.


Pro Tips: Just spray it on roaches when you see them, and they will disappear, but it is not for large infestations.

Citrus or Peppermint Spray

Peppermint oil to get rid of cockroaches

Spray-containing essential oils extracted help to deter roaches from your home in the safest, pleasant smells like many pests that roaches don’t like and draw away from your home.


There are several ways to make a spray:

Pro Tips: Purchase an essential oil from the market, mix it with water, and spray it on the infested area, or take a few drops of peppermint oil with lemon juice or mint oil in a bucket of water and mop the floor and countertop with them.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is also the best method to kill roaches and other insects. This naturally occurring substance contains the body of a fossil sea organism, and its sharp edges cut the roaches as they crawl on it and make them dehydrated, causing death.


It is safe for humans and other pests. A thin layer of dust is applied on the floors of cabinets, etc, where cockroaches are likely to present; when they crawl on it, they will die.

Health risks associated with roaches

Health risks associated with roaches

Roaches are a serious concern for homeowners because the health of individuals is at risk. Their ability to carry bacteria and viruses causes several diseases and triggers allergies in the human body via their droppings.

                                            Some of these diseases include

  • Cholera
  • Dysentery
  • Salmonellosis
  • coli
  • Plague
  • Trigger Allergies and asthma

Roaches don’t cause any disease, but their unsanitary lifestyle makes them harmful to health. They come in contact with bacteria and viruses from toilets, drains, sewers, and gutters, so that’s why they contaminate your house when they come to it.

So, it is very thoughtful that roaches are at your home. Necessary steps and preventive measures must be taken to eliminate these creatures.

Steps to Prevent Roaches

It is necessary to prevent roaches from entering or hiding in your home and infesting them.

                          Below are some necessary steps to avoid them

  • Clean your home regularly and use any of the surface cleaners that repel roaches
  • Remove food debris or leftover food timely, not left on the ground or counters.
  • Remover Clutters as they are also a place where roaches hide.
  • Place food in air-tight containers or jars and store it in sealed boxes.
  • Fix all the gaps, cracks, and leak points
  • Keep the landscape from trimmed back
  • Cover all the drains
  • Seal all entrance points of roaches.
  • When you see the sign of roach infestation, quickly respond to it without delay.
  • Keep covered trash bins, clean them timely, and put them outside the home.


Where can cockroaches hide in my home?

 Roaches like to live in dumps, dark environments, and warm environments. So, where these things are present, roaches hide in the kitchen, drawers, cabinets, electronic appliances, trash bins, Attics, Sanitary systems, and basement.


What do roaches eat?

Roaches are omnivores and detritivore. They can eat plants from plant sources, animal sources, decaying organic matter, feces, and dead insects.


What factors determine pest control service and their frequency?

Pest control service and frequency depend on the following factors:

  • When you see a large number of roaches, this is the sign that indicates your home has become a home of roaches as well.
  • A large number of droppings and shaded skin: shredded skin and droppings are also warning signs of roach infestation
  • The severity of infestation: The severity of the infestation determines the type of treatment needed.
  • Location: The location of your house is also a factor in the successful elimination of roaches.
  • Frequency of treatment: Severity determines how many repetitions are required to treat your house to complete the elimination of roaches.
  • Accessibility: Difficult-to-reach areas require more effort to eliminate roaches.



DIY methods and home remedies are safe and non-toxic ways to eliminate roaches from your home, but they are not a permanent solution. This technique only suits a small number of infestations; hiring a professional for roach extermination is an effective and permanent solution. At home, you do not have the manpower or access to techniques and instruments that help eliminate roaches even from hard-to-reach areas.