Spider Hunting 101: Tips For Spiders Exterminator - Serialpestkiller

Spider Hunting 101: Tips for spiders exterminator

Spider crawling on a surface

Spider Hunting 101: Tips for spiders exterminator

How to Get Rid of Spiders in 2023: Effective Methods and Tips for Spider Control

Do you have an infestation of spiders in your house or apartment? Are you looking for the most effective way to get rid of them?

This article covers how to quickly and safely remove spiders in 2023. We will discuss five common types of spiders, compare their characteristics, and review the best methods for prevention and control.

With the help of two experienced experts with over 40 years combined experience, plus reviews from This Old House Reviews team, you can make an informed decision about which type of spider killer will work best for your situation.

Finally, we’ll provide a giveaway from Wirecutter and information on what they are currently researching.


Spider caught in a trap

Master indoor spider control with these helpful tips


How to Get Rid of Spiders Quickly & Safely in Your House or Apartment


You can quickly and safely get rid of spiders in your home or apartment by using spider traps, removing webs, and using natural repellents such as peppermint oil and vinegar. It’s also important to keep the area tidy, clean up leftovers, and remove clutter.

Spider traps are an effective way to capture large numbers of spiders without using chemicals. Removing webs with a broom or vacuum will also help reduce the number of spiders present. To deter spiders from entering your home, use peppermint oil, which has a strong scent that spiders dislike. However, it must be reapplied regularly to remain effective.

Spraying white vinegar around windowsills and baseboards may also help repel spiders. Keeping a tidy home is essential for preventing spider infestations. Ensure that all food leftovers are cleaned up every night, and remove any clutter from floors and corners.

Finally, consider investing in a spider catcher. This device allows you to easily remove any visible spiders without having to touch them.


  1. Set spider traps
    Set spider traps for an effective and long-lasting solution—you’ll be glad you did! When it comes to getting rid of spiders in your house or apartment, using bait traps is the most reliable way to do so. Bait traps are designed to lure spiders into a container with food, such as an insect or other protein source. The food attracts the spider and when they enter the trap, they become stuck and unable to escape. Bait traps use either natural or chemical pesticides that are toxic to spiders. Natural remedies for spider control also exist and typically involve removing sources of water, food, and shelter from around your home. This can help reduce existing populations of spiders as well as keep new ones from entering the premises.
  2. Remove webs
    Removing existing webs is a great way to deny spiders a place to hide and lay eggs, helping you take control of your home. To do this, it’s important to have the right cleaning tools such as vacuums, lint rollers, and dustpans. Vacuums are especially useful in removing spider webs because they can reach high areas and corners where spiders usually build their webs. They also prevent an accumulation of dust particles that attract spiders to your home. Natural remedies such as essential oils can be used to repel spiders away from your home by using them on furniture or sprinkling them near entrances or windows. These eco-friendly alternatives are perfect for those who prefer not to use chemical solutions.
  3. Use Peppermint oil
    Peppermint oil is a great natural remedy to help repel spiders and keep them away from your home. For those looking for a DIY solution, peppermint oil can be an effective alternative to chemical-based products. Its powerful scent and antiseptic properties have extensively demonstrated high effectiveness in reducing the spider population in residential areas. To use it as a spider repellent, simply dilute the essential oil with water and spray it around windows, doorways, and other entry points where spiders may enter your home. It’s important to note that this method will only work if used regularly; however, it is one of the safest natural alternatives available for pest control. Additionally, using peppermint oil in combination with other natural DIY remedies like diatomaceous earth or citrus peels can provide additional protection against pests.
  4. Use vinegar
    You can also use vinegar to help deter spiders and other pests from your home. Its strong scent is an effective natural alternative to chemical-based pest repellents. Vinegar’s acetic acid content makes it a powerful spider repellent. So, spraying it directly on surfaces or around entry points of your home will create an environment that spiders don’t want to be near. The best way to use vinegar for this purpose is by creating a solution with equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. You should then spray this mixture generously around the perimeter of your home, window sills, doorways, and any cracks in walls or ceilings through which spiders may potentially enter. For added effectiveness, adding peppermint oil or citrus oil to the mixture can make it even more unpleasant for spiders. Additionally, ensuring that food sources are not accessible and keeping clutter away from walls further reduce the chances of spiders entering your home in the first place.
  5. Keep a tidy home or apartment
    Keeping your home or apartment tidy is key to preventing spiders and other pests from entering. Tips for natural spider repellents include keeping the house clean, removing sources of excess moisture, and using essential oils such as peppermint oil. Clutter around your house should be minimized, as spiders can hide in piles of clothing or under furniture. Vacuuming regularly can help reduce the number of spiders and their eggs in your home. You should also address any cracks or holes that could allow spiders entry into your home by sealing them with caulk or other materials. Additionally, you should ensure that all windows and doors are properly screened and sealed to prevent spiders from getting in. How to prevent spiders from entering your home includes ensuring there is no food source available for them, such as pet food bowls left out overnight, uncovered trash cans, and food crumbs on floors or surfaces. Finally, essential oils like lavender oil have been found to naturally repel many insects including some species of spiders.
  6. Use a spider catcher
    Utilizing a spider catcher is an effective and sophisticated way to manage unwelcome arachnids in your home. Spider catchers use a soft brush attached to the end of a pole, allowing you to capture spiders without having to touch them or spray chemicals. These devices come in different lengths and sizes, but no matter what size you choose, they should have enough reach for any area where spiders may be hiding. The bristles are specifically designed to swiftly grasp onto the spider’s legs, securely trapping it inside the device without causing any harm. This eco-friendly method of pest control allows you to take the spider outside your home and deposit it away from your living space. Spider catchers are perfect for those who want an effective solution that is humane and doesn’t require harsh chemicals or sprays.
  7. Clean up Leftovers
    Cleaning up leftover food and other messes is essential for eliminating the sources of attraction that draw spiders into your home. This means regularly vacuuming, mopping, and wiping down surfaces in order to remove any crumbs or debris which may be attractive to spiders. Additionally, take care to keep all food storage containers sealed and properly lidded, as well as ensure trash cans are emptied regularly. Natural repellents can also be used to deter spiders from entering the home. Common natural repellents include spraying vinegar on windowsills and doorways, sprinkling diatomaceous earth around entryways and baseboards, using peppermint oil near window sills, or placing lavender sachets beneath the furniture. By following these cleanliness tips and utilizing natural repellents, homeowners can help reduce the spider population in their homes significantly.
  8. Remove Clutter
    Now that you’ve cleaned up leftovers, the next step to getting rid of spiders is to remove clutter. Clutter can create a hospitable environment for spiders by providing them with hiding places and areas to build webs. To help decrease the spider population in your home, it’s important to declutter as much as possible. Here are some tips on how to do this:
  • Start by removing items from cabinets, closets, drawers, and other storage spaces that you don’t use or need anymore.
  • Donate unwanted items or throw them away if they can’t be donated.
  • When cleaning under furniture and behind appliances, check for cobwebs and egg sacs that may contain baby spiders.
  • Vacuum these areas regularly and wipe down surfaces with a damp cloth.
  • To prevent future infestations, use the best spider repellents like cedar oil sprays or peppermint oil solutions around windowsills and doorways.


Taking these steps will reduce the likelihood of spiders entering your home in 2023 and beyond!

Spider web with crossed out spider

Learn effective strategies to eliminate spiders from your home


Five Common Types of Spiders


You may have noticed a few eight-legged creatures lurking around your home or apartment. There are five common types of spiders that you should be aware of: Wolf Spider, Brown Recluse, Black Widow, Daddy Long Legs, and Jumping Spider.

Each type has its own distinctive characteristics that make it easily identifiable. By understanding the differences between these arachnids, you can better understand how to keep yourself safe from their bites and stings.


  1. Wolf Spider

    If you’re dealing with a wolf spider infestation, don’t worry – there are plenty of ways to keep them out of your home. Wolf spiders belong to the Lycosidae family and can be identified by their long legs and large eyes. They’re usually dark brown or black in color and range in size from 10-35 mm. To place a wolf spider bite, look for redness around the bite area accompanied by pain, swelling, and itching. It’s important to note that wolf spider bites aren’t life threatening but may require medical attention if symptoms persist. When it comes to preventing wolf spider infestations, proper sanitation is key. Make sure all food sources such as pet food dishes or crumbs are cleaned up regularly and that all trash cans have lids securely fastened on them. Additionally, seal any cracks or openings around the house to prevent spiders from entering, and consider installing screens on windows and doors as an additional layer of protection against these pests. Finally, use an insecticide designed specifically for spiders if necessary but take care when applying it near children or pets as some products can be toxic when ingested or inhaled.

  2. Brown Recluse

    To protect your home from a brown recluse infestation, it’s essential to take preventative measures. Identifying a brown recluse spider is the first step in effective control methods. These spiders are usually light to dark tan in color and have a distinctive violin pattern on their backs. They also have long legs with no stripes or bands and are around 1/4 inch long when fully grown. To effectively address the presence of brown recluse spiders, it is crucial to thoroughly inspect any area of your home where they might seek shelter. This includes closets, attics, basements, garages, sheds, and woodpiles, both indoors and outdoors. In addition to identification, preventing access is key for eliminating a brown recluse infestation. Sealing cracks in walls and foundations should be done regularly to help keep them out of your home. It’s also important to check boxes or bags that come into the house for signs of spiders before bringing them inside; this includes firewood or plants from outside. Finally, keeping clutter away from all walls will reduce hiding places for these pests which can help keep them out of your home entirely.

  3. Black Widow

    Identifying a black widow spider is the first step to preventing an infestation, as you’ll need to know what to look for and where these pests may be hiding. Black widows have a glossy black appearance with reddish-orange or yellow markings on their abdomen. Depending on the species of black widow, they can range from 6mm – 13mm in size. These spiders are typically found in dark and secluded areas such as sheds, garages, basements, closets, piles of wood or stones, and other undisturbed places. To prevent infestations, it’s important to inspect these areas regularly for signs of webbing or egg sacs. Additionally, proper sanitation practices should be followed. Removing clutter and debris that provide hiding spots for these spiders is essential in keeping them away. Finally, seal up any cracks or crevices around the home to eliminate entry points for these pests. Following these tips can help protect your home from black widow infestations in 2023.

  4. Daddy Long Legs

    Transitioning from the previous discussion about black widows, we’re now moving on to daddy long legs. Though they’re often mistaken for one another, daddy long legs are a separate species of arachnids and can be identified by their thin, elongated bodies with two pairs of very long legs. They don’t spin webs or bite humans; however, an infestation of these creatures can still be quite a nuisance. Fortunately, there are several natural remedies available for those looking to control a daddy long leg infestation in 2023. An easy home remedy is to vacuum them up regularly and dispose of the contents in sealed garbage bags outdoors. This will help reduce their number without using any harsh chemicals or pesticides that could harm other living things or linger in your home environment. Finally, in addition to the aforementioned methods, spraying peppermint oil around entry points to naturally deter spiders, and caulking and sealing off cracks and crevices can also be effective in preventing further infestations. These areas often serve as entry points for spiders into your home.

  5. Jumping Spider

    Get up close and personal with jumping spiders, an arachnid species that can be identified by their large eyes and hunting behavior. Homes and gardens are among the common habitats where they are frequently found, showcasing their wide range of preferred environments. It’s important to note that jumping spiders aren’t dangerous or aggressive – they’ll only bite if provoked. To help prevent an infestation of jumping spiders, it’s important to know how to protect your home effectively. You can utilize effective repellents such as essential oils like peppermint oil or eucalyptus oil on window sills and door frames to create a natural barrier against these spiders. Natural remedies for jumping spiders include vacuuming regularly to remove webs and eggs from areas where they may hide, sealing up any cracks or crevices around windows and doors where the spiders gain access into your home, removing food sources such as pet food dishes left out overnight, keeping outdoor lights off at night which attracts other insects that the jumping spider feed on, and making sure you don’t leave items like clothing lying around outside for long periods of time. Taking these precautions can help keep your home free from unwanted jumping spider visitors.

Know More about Spiders’ Life:

You’re about to learn all you need to know about the five common types of spiders.

  • Life Span
    Let’s first look at their life span. While some species may live for only a few months, others can live for up to two years.
  • Size
    Size is also an important characteristic when it comes to spiders. They range from just a few millimeters in length to a few centimeters. 
  • Preferred Environment
    Where you find them is another key factor. They love dark and secluded places such as cellars or attics.
  • Food Source                                                                                                                                                                                               
    Spiders primarily feed on insects, although certain larger species have been observed to prey on small rodents and lizards.
  • Remember
    It’s also important to note that most spiders don’t bite humans unless provoked, although there are exceptions.


What Attracts Spiders in the Home


You can attract spiders to your home by providing them with shelter, food, and water sources. Prevention is key in avoiding spider infestations.

Natural spider repellents such as essential oils, lemon juice, or vinegar can help deter pests from entering the home. In addition, sealing off any potential entry points like cracks and crevices can also be beneficial in preventing spiders from entering the home.

Eliminating any potential food sources like crumbs left on countertops or pet food dishes left uncovered can make a big difference in keeping spiders away. Also, removing clutter around the house can make it harder for spiders to hide and build webs. Keeping up the general tidiness of the house will also reduce spider activity.

Finally, making sure to keep humidity levels low will also discourage spiders from living inside your home.


Common Concerns


You might have concerns about the spiders that hide in your house. While not all spiders are dangerous, it’s important to know when to call an exterminator for help. Black Widow spiders possess particularly potent venom and should be treated with utmost seriousness. If you suspect a Black Widow spider infestation, it’s best to contact a professional immediately.




Now that you are aware of the types of spiders and what attracts them, you are better equipped to eliminate them.

When it comes to prevention and infestation control, experts agree that chemical-free approaches are best. Regularly vacuuming and wiping down surfaces can help keep your home spider-free as well.

In addition, Wirecutter is always researching new methods for spider removal so be sure to check back for updates on their progress.

With this knowledge in hand, you can now confidently tackle any spider problem with ease and safety.


Frequently Asked Questions:


  1. How serious are red house spiders?

    Red house spiders are not considered to be dangerous, though they can bite if disturbed. Medical professionals do not consider them to be medically significant, and their bites are usually more of a nuisance than a health threat.

  2. What are the signs of a red house spider infestation?        

    Signs of a red house spider infestation include webs in undisturbed areas, such as the corners of rooms or behind furniture. During the day, people can see red house spiders on the web or on nearby surfaces.

  3. Are Red Spiders Venomous?

Red spiders are not venomous, and their bites are usually more of a nuisance than a health threat. However, they can cause localized swelling or itching.