The Hidden World Of Cockroaches |Fascinating Facts

The Hidden World of Cockroaches |Fascinating Facts

Facts about Cockroaches

The Hidden World of Cockroaches |Fascinating Facts

Cockroaches are commonly considered small, ugly critters. Over 4000 species are found worldwide, but only some interact with humans and can cause minor to severe infestations in homes.


Homeowners must be fully aware of the health risks associated with roach infestations but need to learn about the amazing facts about roaches, making them unique pests from others. Their odd behavior and survival tactics make them difficult to eliminate from home.


Cockroaches belong to the Blattodea order, in which Blatta means “an insect that shuns the light,” so they spend most of their time in the dark. Scientists have discovered their fossils dating back 320 million years to the Triassic period and earlier.


These ancient creatures have adapted in unique ways over a hundred million years. For example, roaches can withstand cold temperatures to 31oFahrenheit and spend 75% of their time resting.

Roaches can live without their heads for days or weeks, but due to their open circulatory system, they breathe through a little hole in their body segments for days or weeks. They are not dependent on their mouth or heads to breathe, but they die of thirst because they are not able to drink without their mouths.

Can a cockroach hold its breath?

Yes, cockroaches generally can hold their breath to help regulate their water loss. Some have even survived being submerged in water for approximately half an hour.

Can baby cockroaches run faster than adults?

Yes, they are fast runners compared to their adults, but they are also elusive and transmit various diseases, which is a deadly combination for a pest.

Are cockroaches attracted to Alcohol?

Like other pests, cockroaches are drawn to alcoholic beverages. This may be due to the hops and sugar present in the drink.

Why do baby roaches look white?

Cockroaches and nymphs molt continuously as they grow. When they shed their old exoskeleton, they grow a new one. But in between this process, for a short period of time, they appear white due to the absence of a hard outer covering that becomes dark and hard with time.

How long do roaches live?

How long do roaches live?

The life span of an adult roach depends on the species. Most roaches can live for less than a year. An adult German cockroach can only live 20 to 30 weeks, and an American cockroach can live up to one year.

How do cockroaches inhale or exhale?

They breathe differently from humans. They breathe through a system of tubes called trachea, which connect to openings to their body surface known as spiracles.


A roach’s exoskeleton consists of several pores that allow air to enter and diffuse directly to its tissue, providing oxygen to its organs without the need for lungs.

How fast are these insects?

Cockroaches are great runners. Compared to human size and distances, that’s like running 200 miles per hour. (Except for oriental cockroaches, which are quite slower than other species.)


Their powerful legs push them up to 1.5 meters per second. Few species of roaches can fly, but most of them don’t prefer to fly even when they can. For example, the unique green Cuban Cockroach is the best flyer.


Due to its flying capability, this species is also called the banana cockroach. American cockroaches can fly but don’t.

Are roaches attracted to light?

Cockroaches usually avoid lights; they like to live in dark places all day and scavenge at night. However, a few are strongly attracted to light, like Flying roaches, which are especially drawn to lights falling from windows towards TVs and lights.

Do cockroaches have the ability to swim?

Do cockroaches have the ability to swim?

No, cockroaches cannot swim due to their delicate wings and stick-like legs, which are not ideal for swimming.

Why are roaches difficult to crush?

Because their hard, flexible, and leathery exoskeleton resists force/pressure, when you try to crush them forcefully, they easily run out even after applying force. A study suggests that 900 times more force is required to crush them than their body weight.

What are the living preferences of roaches?

Mostly, roaches prefer to live outside; only a few species are home pests. They lived outside in dump places, crawled the fallen leaves of trees, and built colonies inside tree holes.


When the situation is favorable for them, they climb, fly, and burrow in search of a habitat in which they can hide. Sometimes, that search leads to houses and buildings.

Are cockroaches present everywhere on earth?

Cockroaches are brutal bugs and rare creatures. They are known to expert survivalists even in extreme conditions. Still, severe colds can kill them, so it is supposed that they can not be present in Antarctica due to its harsh weather conditions, like freezing breezes and extreme cold.

Are cockroaches build nests for their living?

Cockroaches don’t build a nest like a bird’s nest, and they don’t even live inside a tree. Their nest is just like a box, hole, or other dark place where they can hide in the daytime and for reproduction. When the conditions become favorable for them, they can move to search for food.

Are roaches living with ants?

Are roaches living with ants?

Cockroaches not only hide at home but also in other places. Wooden cockroaches are likely to live with the ants. Research data reveals that two species of wood roaches, including western wood and Boll’s wood roaches, lived in anthills. The nymphs of both species hide with ants during the daytime and search for food at night.

Although roaches eat live and dead ants, they can also hide with them.

What is the eating pattern of roaches? Can they eat everything?

No, only the thing is edible, although whatever it is, they can eat, including vegetables, fruits, meat, sugar, grease, etc. By nature, cockroaches are omnivorous. They eat both plants and animals.


Roaches also eat dead material, spoiled food, animal waste, and decaying organic material because they detritivores. Due to this, unpleasant eating habits make them essential for the ecosystem. They also have dead animal and plant material, helping to return nutrients to the soil.

Can roaches survive without food and water?

It’s very difficult for roaches to live without water, but they can live without food for up to a month. Water is essential for roaches.


They are sensitive to dehydration and humidity, so they frequently crawl in drains and Sverige lines. Pipes, gutter, rotten food, and trash are used to search for food and their habitat preferences.


When they enter your house, they move freely and spread germs, causing diseases because they carry harmful bacteria, viruses, and others.


They also trigger allergies and accelerate asthma and other allergies—the main contributor to allergies are their exoskeleton and droppings.


Can roaches survive in a nuclear explosion?

Of course not, how can they survive in such conditions? Their ability to bear radiation makes them able to survive in intense levels of radiation.


Rem is the unit of radiation that causes damage to humans, as described by scientists. Humans’ ability to survive in rem is less than 800 rems, but cockroaches can bear up to 100,000 rems.


However, during nuclear explosions, an intense amount of heat is emitted, which is very destructive, so the roaches also cannot survive at that temperature. Although roaches are strong creatures, they can not survive at 10,0000F.


Is that true? Do roaches crawl into the ear?

The human ear is tiny, humid, and dark; these are all the things that roaches look for that in their habitat, so it is possible they can crawl into the human ear, but this is rare.


Cockroaches may also eat ear wax as a food sour, but this may not be true because roaches stay away from hubeing seings. So that it is not possible in real life, but it can happen


Do roaches smell bad?

Roaches are filthy, and you already know about their poor hygiene as they move in gutters, pipes, etc., and eat decaying and dead matter.


They also produce chemicals that have a foul Odor. When they crawl or hide in your house, the place where they live or hide smells like a bed, easily identifying a roach infestation.


Do roaches bite a human like another pest?

Like other pests, cockroaches don’t bite humans even if they can, do not feed on blood like mosquitos, and are not predators. Cockroaches stay away from humans because they like dark, moist, dumped, and silent places. They only appear in the dark because they don’t like light.


Cockroaches are widely spread everywhere despite having various adaptations and survival abilities in almost every environment. It is necessary to eliminate roaches from your home instantly and take effective measures to avoid another infestation.